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URCNA Weekly Prayer Requests

Dana Perkins

January 2021 Prayer Requests

January 3, 2021

Rev. Rich Bultje is a church planter in Niagara Falls, ON.

1. Pray that the renovations for our new church building will go well and soon we will be able to worship and serve from this new building.

2. Pray that those who are ready to make their public profession of faith would stay faithful and committed.

3. Pray that the complications due to Covid-19 and all the restrictions will not harm our witness or our unity in the faith.

January 10, 2021

Rev. Mitch Persaud is a church-planter in Scarborough, ON.

1. Pray for endurance for the leadership, considering loss of one elder and one sick deacon.

2. Thank God that the congregation has stayed together in spite of the troubles.

3. Pray for those who have lost jobs, lost time in school, and those who are otherwise frustrated.

January 17, 2021

Rev. Mihai Corcea is a URCNA church-planter in Bucharest, Romania.

1. Please pray for wisdom for me as I continue preaching and meeting with new people.

2. Pray for our regular visitors so that they will grow in faith and commitment to the church.

3. Pray for God's help in reaching more people through our 2021 outreach projects (book publishing, conference, YouTube videos)

January 24, 2021

Rev. Paul Ipema is a professor with Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary in the US jails.

1. Prayers of thanksgiving: The Lord has blessed Rev. Ipema with complete healing and sustained good health following foot surgery in May.

2. Pray that the Lord would bless the preparation and distribution of our prison correspondence courses as the Divine Hope faculty await permission to resume teaching within the prisons.

3. Pray that the Lord would grant healing to the numerous prison staff and inmates who have tested positive for the Covid-19 virus in recent weeks.

January 31, 2021

Rev. Melvin Dotinga works with MINTS International Seminary.

1. Thank the Lord that I was able to travel to Florida recently to make video recordings of two MINTS courses so that discipleship can continue despite the travel restrictions caused by the pandemic.

2. Ask that the Lord would open up the way for us to travel to Papua New Guinea (PNG) in March.

3. Pray for the church in PNG, that believers may grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and that they may walk in obedience to His Word.

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