Outreach Opportunities
There are a variety of ways we serve our communities and display our love for people.
This page presents some of those opportunities.
Immanuel URC is a host church for ANEW Ministries' Teen Mother Choices Program (TMC). TMC is a proven program that offers young moms the tools they need to overcome obstacles, set goals, and fully flourish in motherhood.
As a host church, there are plenty of opportunities to serve these young moms. These include being a mentor, being a mealcare coordinator or meal provider, a life-skills speaker, a childcare provider or coordinator, a Moms night out coordinator or a financial advocate.
For more information, contact Program Director: Stacey Tolkamp

Touch of Dutch Festival

Hymn Sings & Concerts
At Immanuel URC we love to sing hymns and the Psalms and to invite others to join us. We are especially grateful for the various opportunities we have to do so accompanied by classical instruments, sometimes at church and sometimes in peoples' homes.
There are lots of ways to get involved in these events; advertising, posting flyers, making arrangements, playing an instrument etc...

Food Pantry
Several times a year we collect food for the Good Shepherd Food Panty in DeMotte. Help is always needed to set up the table, do advertising, and bring the food to Good Shepherd.
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
Matthew 25:35-40

Back to School Fair
The KV area Back to School Fair gives assistance to those families who need it by distributing free school supplies donated by local churches and businesses.
We participate and can always use help in organizing the materials, in communicating with the congregation and in manning our booth at the Fair.