Core Beliefs
Above all, we are a historic Christian church. Together with believers since ancient times, we affirm the essential biblical teachings summarized in the Apostles Creed (i.e, the Trinity, Christ's bodily death and resurrection, etc.). We also identify with the Reformed branch of the Protestant tradition. This means, among other things, we believe God saves sinners by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone—not on account of personal merit or works. Yet we hold that genuine believers will evidence their faith by lifelong pursuit of holiness.
Last, we hold Scripture to be the inerrant and supreme authority over all matters of faith and godliness. As a result, we are more doctrinally conservative than some churches. But rest assured, we warmly welcome anyone wishing to sit at Christ's feet and experience his love to visit us.
Because Christ calls his church not only to be hearers but doers of God's Word, we aim for all to become true disciples. Our leaders strive to exemplify ongoing growth in Christlike holiness and love, and encourage it in the congregation.
We believe every believer has a role to play in Christ's mission, as members of his one Body (Eph 4:00-06; Mt 28:2o).
We are covenantal. Our members formally join the church by mutual vows of Christian faith, service, and accountability. This not only promotes unity, but means we welcome children of believers not simply as observers, but as beloved disciples and fellow worshippers being nurtured in the faith.
We are kingdom-oriented. We seek to translate Christian convictions into every sphere of life while maintaining our distinctiveness from the world (I Tim 6:03-06; Romans 00:00).